Ø 秦正波,男,1983年,安徽无为人,博士,教授,博士生导师。
电子信箱: wave0403@163.com
Ø 教育经历:
2010-09-2014-01 中国科学院大连化学物理研究所, 物理化学, 博士
2005-09-2008-07 安徽师范大学, 原子与分子物理, 硕士
2001-09-2005-07 安徽师范大学,物理学(师范), 本科
Ø 工作经历:
2024-01-至今, 安徽师范大学,物理与电子信息学院,教授
2017-07-2023-12, 安徽师范大学,物理与电子信息学院,副教授
2014-07-2017-06, 安徽师范大学,物理与电子信息学院,讲师
2015-10-2016-09, 美国西北太平洋国家实验室,环境分子科学实验室,访问学者
Ø 研究领域:
1. 自由基的电子谱学实验和理论研究;
2. 过渡金属配合物的结构功能研究;
3. 化学键和非价键相互作用机理的实验和理论研究;
5. 高分辨慢电子速度成像谱仪和高分辨飞行时间质谱的开发及应用;
Ø 讲授课程:
1. 线性代数
2. 大学物理实验
3. 现代光学
4. 光电子成像技术(研究生)
Ø 科研项目:
1. 企业横向项目:小型化高分辨质谱燃烧联用关键技术研究,2023.7-2024.6,主持;
2. 芜湖市科技应用基础及创新环境研究项目(2023jc13):基于激光诱导超声解吸技术的地沟油中辣椒素检测技术研究,2023.12-2025.12,主持;
3. 中国科学院高功率激光物理重点实验室开放课题项目(SGKF202106):激光诱导超声解析机理及质谱联用技术应用研究,2021.1-2022.12,主持;
4. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(21873003):慢电子速度成像研究半胱氨酸类抗氧剂分子氧化反应的微观机制,2019.1-2022.12,主持;
5. 国家自然科学基金青年项目(21503003):Criegee反应中瞬态中间体的慢电子速度成像研究,2016.1-2018.12,主持;
7. 安徽省自然科学基金(1608085QA10):含硫瞬态自由基的慢电子速度影像研究,2016.1-2017.12,主持;
10. 安徽省高校协同创新项目(GXXT-2020-004):聚变等离子体脱靶的关键物理过程研究,2021.01-2022.12,参与;
11. 科技部国家重大科学仪器设备开发专项(2011YQ09000505):碰撞反应飞行时间离子谱测定离子结构应用研究,2011.10-2016.10,参与;
Ø 实验仪器平台:

Ø 研究论文:
http://www.letpub.com.cn/index.php?page=journalapp (IF)
57. 张振美,袁紫灵,王郅诚,华泽丰,姚关心,杨新艳,孙中发,秦正波*,郑贤锋*. “铥原子激发态近阈限光电离截面测量”. 原子与分子物理学报,2023 (DOI: 10.19855/j.1000-0364.2022.231011195; ISSN: 1000-0364;)
56. 袁紫灵,张振美,王郅诚,秦正波,郑贤锋,崔执凤*.“铥原子激发态光电离截面的实验研究”,安徽师范大学学报(自然科学版),2023,46(3), 222. (DOI: 10.14182/J.cnki.1001-2443.2023.03.004; ISSN: 1001-2443; online: 2023.5)
55. Zhengbo Qin*. Is Pseudohalide CN− a Real Halide? A General Symmetry Consideration, Symmetry, 2023, 15, 1329. (DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/sym15071329; ISSN: 2073-8994; online: 2023.6.29)
54. Qiaolin Wang, Wenjing Lv, Lihe Xu, Zhifeng Cui, Jingxiong Yu, Xianfeng Zheng & Zhengbo Qin*. Direct Determination of the Gas-Solid Interface Reaction Products of Melatonin with Ozone by Laser-Induced Acoustic Desorption — Mass Spectrometry (LIAD-MS), Analytical Letters, 2023, 57. (DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/00032719.2023.2207022; ISSN: 0003-2719; online: 2023.5.03)
53. Yihuang Jiang, Zaifa Shi, Qingjie Zeng, Jiangle Zhang, Zefeng Deng, Qiaolin Wang, Jing Yang, Jingxiong Yu,*, Zhengbo Qin,* and Zichao Tang,* “Investigation on the Edge Doping Process of Nitrogen-Doped Carbon Materials by In Situ Pyrolysis Mass Spectrometry and Laser-Induced Acoustic Desorption Mass Spectrometry”, Catalysts, 2023, 13, 830. (DOI: 10.3390/catal13050830;ISSN:;online 2023.4.30)
52. Qiaolin Wang, Lihe Xu, Zhengbo Qin*, Xinyan Yang, and Xianfeng Zheng, "Potential use of LIAD time-of-flight mass spectrometry for the detection of biomolecules: An example of detecting nucleobases in DNA", AIP Advances. 2023, 13, 035116. (DOI: 10.1063/5.0137046;ISSN: 2158-3226; online: 2023.2.20)
51. Qiaolin Wang#, Zhengbo Qin#, Gao-Lei Hou, Zheng Yang, Marat Valiev*, Xue-Bin Wang*, Xianfeng Zheng and Zhifeng Cui, " Properties of Gaseous Deprotonated L-Cysteine S-Sulfate Anion [cysS-SO3]−: Intramolecular H-Bond Network, Electron Affinity, Chemically Active Site, and Vibrational Fingerprints", International Journal of Molecular Sciences (Int. J. Mol. Sci.), 2023, 24, 1682. (共同一作;DOI: 10.3390/ijms24021682;ISSN:1422-0067;online日期2023.1.14)
50. Zhengbo Qin*, Qiaolin Wang, Lihe Xu, Wenjing Lv, and Xianfeng Zheng, "Hydrogen bonds in mixed-solvent Au-(CH3OH)(H2O) complex: A joint experimental and theoretical study", Chemical Physics Letters, 2022,803,139854. (DOI: 10.1016/j.cplett.2022.139854;ISSN:0009-2614;2022.7.4)
49. Jingxiong Yu, Fanggang Liu, Zefeng Deng, Zaifa Shi, Jiangle Zhang, Qiaolin Wang, Jing Yang, Haoquan Hu, Zhengbo Qin*, and Zichao Tang* "Insights into a Low-Rank Naomaohu Coal Structural Information by Multistage Fractions Coupled with LIAD-VUVPI-TOFMS", ACS Omega, 2022, 7, 6935−6943. (DOI: 10.1021/acsomega.1c06619; ISSN:2470-1343; 2022.2.17)
48. Zhenhang Jin, Jiangle Zhang, Shan-jun Chen, Yan Chen, Weibing Zhang, Zaifa Shi, Jingxiong Yu, Song Li, Zichao Tang, Zhengbo Qin, "Probing the geometric and electronic structures of the lanthanide oxide HoOn-1/0 (n = 1-3) clusters", Spectrochimica Acta Part A Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2021, 248,119287.(DOI: 10.1016/j.saa.2020.119287).
47. Wei Guo*, Xianfeng Zheng,*, Zhengbo Qin, Qijia Guo, Lei Liu, Hydrogen Production from Ethanol Reforming by Microwave Discharge Using Air as Working Gas, ACS Omega, 2021, 6, 33533−33541.
46. Jiangle Zhang, Shanjun Chen, Jingxiong Yu, Zefeng Deng, Zhengbo Qin*, Xingtai Qiu, Yihuang Jiang, Chengxiang Jiao, and Zichao Tang* "Deciphering the Superatomic Behavior of Group V Metal Monoxides", Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 2021, 12, 7636−7640. (1948-7185; DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpclett.1c01971; 2021.8.5;)
45. Jingxiong Yu, Yuwan Chen, Jiangle Zhang, Shanjun Chen, Qiaolin Wang, Zhengbo Qin*, and Zichao Tang* “Development of a miniature time of flight mass spectrometer coupled with an improved substrate-enhanced laser-induced acoustic desorption source (SE-LIAD/TOF-MS)”, Analyst, 2021, 146, 4365-4373. (0003-2654; 2021.6.3; DOI: 10.1039/D1AN00696G)
44. Jiangle Zhang, Shanjun Chen, Yihuang Jiang, Chen Wang, Zhengbo Qin*, Xingtai Qiu, Jingxiong Yu, Yuwan Chen and Zichao Tang* “The photoelectron-imaging spectroscopic study and chemical bonding analysis of VO2-, NbO2- and TaO2-”, RSC Advances, 2020, 10, 41612-41617. (2046-2069; 2020.11.13)
43. Shanjun Chen, Jiangle Zhang, Zhenhang Jin, Xingtai Qiu, Zhengbo Qin*, Zichao Tang*, and Lansun Zheng, “Aromaticity Criterion Is Not the Only Factor to Decide the Ring Stability of Boron Oxide Families: cM2O2−/0 Clusters (M = B, Al, Ga,and In)”, Inorganic Chemistry, 2020, 59, 16944−16951. (0020-1669; 2020.11.2; 10.1021/acs.inorgchem.0c02028.)
42. Zhengbo Qin*, Gao-Lei Hou, Zheng Yang, Marat Valiev* and Xue-Bin Wang*, “Distonic radical anion species in cysteine oxidation processes”, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2020, 22, 17554-17558. ( ; 2020.7.10; https://doi.org/10.1039/D0CP02165B)
41. Jia-nan Fan, Ting-ting Cui, Zhengbo Qin*, Xian-feng Zheng*, Zhi-feng Cui, “Experimental and Theoretical Study on p-Chlorofluorobenzene in the S0, S1 and D0 States”, Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics, 2020, 33, 401.
40. Zhengbo Qin*, Jiangle Zhang, Chen Wang, Lin Wang, and Zichao Tang*, “Does gold behaves as hydrogen? A joint theoretical and experimental study”, Nanoscale Advances, 2020, 2, 844-850.
39. Zhiling Liu, Lina Hou, Ya Li, Gang Li, Zhengbo Qin, Hai-Shun Wu, Jianfeng Jia, Hua Xie, and Zichao Tang, "Thermodynamics and Kinetics of Gas-Phase CO Oxidation on the Scandium Monoxide Carbonyl Complexes", The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 2020, 124, 5, 924–931,(DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpca.9b10659,)
38. Shifeng Qian, Xiaowei Sheng*, Xian Xu, Yuxiang Wu,Ning Lu, Zhengbo Qin, Jian Wang, Caixia Zhang, Eryin Feng, Wuying Huang and Yong Zhou, “Penta-MX2 (M = Ni, Pd and Pt; X = P and As) monolayers: direct band-gap semiconductors with high carrier mobility” Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2019, 7, 3569.
37. Jiangle Zhang, Zhengbo Qin*, Chengxiang Jiao, and Zichao Tang*, “Photoelectron imaging spectroscopic study and chemical-bonding analysis of AgOH and AgSH anions”, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer, 2019, 233, 52-56.
36. Zhengbo Qin*, Lin Wang, Ran Cong, Chengxiang Jiao, Xianfeng Zheng, Zhifeng Cui, and Zichao Tang*, “Spectroscopic identification of the low-lying electronic states of S2 molecule”, Journal of Chemical Physics, 2019, 150, 044302.
35. Chengxiang Jiao, Zhengbo Qin*, Ran Cong, Xianfeng Zheng, Zhifeng Cui, Hua Xie*, and Zichao Tang*, “A comparative study on the bond features in CO, CS, and PbS”, Journal of Chemical Physics, 2018, 149, 224302.
34. Zhengbo Qin*, Naiyu Ma, Yangdi Ren, Xianfeng Zheng*, Guanxin Yao, Xianyi Zhang and Zhifeng Cui, “Analysis of the S1←S0 and D0←S1 spectra in m-bromofluorobenzene via resonance-enhanced multiphoton ionization and slow electron velocity-map imaging spectroscopy” Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer, 2019, 224, 107-113.
33. Yangdi Ren, Zhengbo Qin*, Hui Wang, Xianfeng Zheng*, and Zhifeng Cui, “An approach for improving signal-to-noise ratio in photoelectron velocity map imaging experiments” Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena, 2018, 222, 5-9.
32. Jonas Warneke, Gao-Lei Hou, Edoardo Aprà, Carsten Jenne, Zheng Yang, Zhengbo Qin, Karol Kowalski, Xue-Bin Wang* and Sotiris S. Xantheas*, “Electronic Structure and Stability of [B12X12]2- (X=F−At): A Combined Photoelectron Spectroscopic and Theoretical Study”, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2017, 139, 14749–14756
31. Zhengbo Qin*, Hui Wang, Yangdi Ren, Xianfeng Zheng, and Zhifeng Cui, and Zichao Tang*, “Electron velocity map imaging and theoretical study on CuXH (X=O and S) anions” Spectrochimica acta. Part A, Molecular and biomolecular spectroscopy, 2017, 188, 85-89.
30. Zehua Qu, Zhengbo Qin*, Hui Wang, Yangdi Ren, Xianfeng Zheng*, GuanxinYao, Xianyi Zhang, and Zhifeng Cui, "Spectroscopic characterization on the neutral excited state and cationic ground state of styrene" International Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 2017, 414,56-64
29. Zehua Qu, Zhengbo Qin*, Xianfeng Zheng*, Hui Wang, Guanxin Yao, Xianyi Zhang, Zhifeng Cui, “Slow-electron velocity-map imaging study of aniline via resonance-enhanced two-photon ionization method” Spectrochimica acta. Part A, Molecular and biomolecular spectroscopy, 2017, 173, 432-438.
28. Zhengbo Qin, Gaolei Hou, Zheng Yang Marat Valiev*, Xuebin Wang*, “Negative ion photoelectron spectra of ISO3–, IS2O3–, and IS2O4– intermediates formed in interfacial reactions of ozone and iodide/sulfite aqueous microdroplets” Journal of Chemical Physics, 2016, 145 (21), 214310.
27. Zehua Qu, Chunsheng Li, Zhengbo Qin*, XianfengZheng*, Guanxin Yao, Xianyi Zhang, Zhifeng Cui “The design of double electronstatic-lens optics for REMPI and photoelectron imaging experiments” Review of Scientific Instruments, 2015, 86, 063106.
26. Zhengbo Qin*, Chunsheng Li, Zehua Qu, Zhifeng Cui, Xianfeng Zheng, Zichao Tang*, “Note: A simple method to suppress the artificial noise in velocity-map imaging spectroscopy” Review of Scientific Instruments, 2015, 86, 046102.
25. Zhiling Liu, Hua Xie, Zhengbo Qin, Hongjun Fan*, Zichao Tang*, “Structural Evolution of Homoleptic Heterodinuclear Copper–Nickel Carbonyl Anions Revealed Using Photoelectron Velocity-Map Imaging” Inorganic Chemistry, 2014, 53, 10909–10916
24. Zhengbo Qin, Ran Cong, Hua Xie, Zhiling Liu, Xia Wu, Zichao Tang*, Hongjun Fan*, and Ling Jiang*. “Photoelectron Imaging and Theoretical Study on Nascent Hydrogen Bond Network in Microsolvated Clusters of Au─(CH3OH)n (n = 1-5)”, The Journal of Physics Chemical A, 2014, 118 (19), 3402-3409.
23. Zhengbo Qin, Ran Cong, Xia Wu, Zhiling Liu, Hua Xie, Zichao Tang*, Ling Jiang*, and Hongjun Fan*. “Photoelectron imaging and theoretical study on the structure and chemical binding of the mixed-ligand M(I) complexes, [HMSH]- (M = Cu, Ag, and Au) ”, Journal of Chemical Physics, 2014, 140, 114307.
22. Zhengbo Qin, Ran Cong, Zhiling Liu, Hua Xie, Zichao Tang*, and Hongjun Fan*. “An investigation into low-lying electronic states of HCS2 via threshold photoelectron imaging”, Journal of Chemical Physics, 2014, 140, 214318.
21. Zhengbo Qin*, Ran Cong, Zhiling Liu, Hua Xie, Zichao Tang*. “Low-energy photoelectron imaging of HS2 anion” Journal of Chemical Physics, 2014, 141,204312.
20. Zhiling Liu, Hua Xie, Quanjiang Li, Zhengbo Qin, Ran Cong, Xia Wu, Zichao Tang* and Hongjun Fan*, "On the photoelectron velocity-map imaging of lutetium monoxide anion LuO−", Journal of Chemical Physics, 2014, 140, 034312
19. Hua Xie, Jie Wang, Zhengbo Qin, Lei Shi, Zichao Tang*, and Xiaopeng Xing*, "Octacoordinate Metal Carbonyls of Lanthanum and Cerium: Experimental Observation and Theoretical Calculation", The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 2014, 118, 40, 9380–9385.(DOI:10.1021/jp504079k)
18. Zhiling Liu, Zhengbo Qin, Xia Wu, Hua Xie, Ran Cong, and Zichao Tang*, “Vibrationally Resolved Photoelectron Imaging of Au3H−”, Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 2014, 118, 1031−1037.
17. Zhengbo Qin* Xia Wu, Zichao Tang*. “Note: A novel dual-channel time-of-flight mass spectrometer for photoelectron imaging spectroscopy”, Review of Scientific Instruments,2013, 84, 066108.
16. Zhengbo Qin, Ran Cong, Xia Wu, Zhiling Liu, Hua Xie, Zichao Tang*, Ling Jiang*, and Hongjun Fan*. “Photoelectron velocity-map imaging spectroscopic and theoretical study on the reactivity of the gold atom toward CH3SH, CH3OH, and H2O”, Journal of Chemical Physics, 2013, 139, 034315.
15. Zhengbo Qin, Xia Wu, Zichao Tang*. “Design near-threshold photoelectron imaging spectrometer based on UV laser induced photoelectron emission anion source”, Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics,2013, 26, 774.
14. Hua Xie, Xiaoyi Li, Lijuan Zhao, Zhiling Liu, Zhengbo Qin, Xia Wu, Zichao Tang* and Xiaopeng Xing*, “Vibrationally Resolved Photoelectron Imaging of Cu2H− and AgCuH− and Theoretical Calculations”, Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 2013, 117, 1706−1711
13. Zhiling Liu, Zhengbo Qin, Hua Xie, Ran Cong, Xia Wu, Zichao Tang*. “Structure of Au40/-1 in the Gas Phase: A Joint Geometry Relaxed ab initio Calculations and Vibrationally Resolved Photoelectron Imaging Investigation”. Journal of Chemical Physics, 2013, 139, 094306.
12. Hua Xie, Xiaopeng Xing, Zhiling Liu, Ran Cong, Zhengbo Qin, Xia Wu, Zichao Tang* and Hongjun Fan*. “Photoelectron imaging and theoretical calculations of gold-silver hydrides: Comparing the characteristics of Au, Ag and H in small clusters” Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2012, 14, 11666-11672.
11. Hua Xie, Xiaopeng Xing, Zhiling Liu, Ran Cong, Zhengbo Qin, Xia Wu, Zichao Tang*, and Hongjun Fan*, “Probing the structural and electronic properties of AgnH− (n = 1–3) using photoelectron imaging and theoretical calculations” Journal of Chemical Physics, 2012, 136, 184312.
10. Hua Xie, Zhengbo Qin, Xia Wu, Zichao Tang* and Ling Jiang*. “Photoelectron Velocity-Map Imaging Signature of Structural Evolution of Silver-Doped Lead Zintl Anions” Journal of Chemical Physics, 2012, 137, 064318.
9. Zhiling Liu, Hua Xie, Zhengbo Qin, Ran Cong, Xia Wu, Zichao Tang*, Xin Lu* and Jian He. “Vibrationally Resolved Photoelectron Imaging of Platinum Carbonyl Anion Pt(CO)n- (n=1-3): Experiment and Theory” Journal of Chemical Physics, 2012, 137, 204302.
8. Hua Xie,Xiaoyi Li,Lijuan Zhao, Zhengbo Qin, Xia Wu, Zichao Tang,*, Xiaopeng Xing*, "Photoelectron Imaging and Theoretical Calculations of Bimetallic Clusters: AgCu-, AgCu2-, and Ag2Cu-",The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 2012, 116, 10365–10370.(DOI: 10.1021/jp307478x)
7. Xinghua Liang#, Xia Wu#, Ting Dong#, Zhengbo Qin, Kai Tan, Xin Lu*, and Zichao Tang*. “The Dinitrogen-Ligated Triaurum Cation, Aurodiazenylium, Auronitrenium, Auroammonia, and Auroammonium” .Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2011, 50(9), 2166-2170.
6. Xia Wu, Hua Xie, Zhengbo Qin, Kai Tan, Zichao Tang*, and Xin Lu*, "Photoelectron Imaging and Theoretical Studies of Silver Monohalides AgX- (X = Cl, Br, I) and AuCl-", The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 2011, 115, 6321–6326.(DOI: 10.1021/jp1100686)
5. Xia Wu, Zhengbo Qin, Hua Xie, Ran Cong, Xiaohu Wu, Zichao Tang* and Hongjun Fan*. “Vibrationally resolved photoelectron imaging of gold hydride cluster anions: AuH- and Au2H-” Journal of Chemical Physics, 2010, 133, 044303.
4. Xia Wu, Zhengbo Qin, Hua Xie, Xiaohu Wu, Ran Cong, and Zichao Tang*, "Collinear Velocity-map Photoelectron Imaging Spectrometer for Cluster Anions", Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics, 2010, 23, 373.(DOI: 10.1088/1674-0068/23/04/373-380)
3.王辉,曲泽华,秦正波*,郑贤锋*, 姚关心, 张先燚, 崔执凤,”基于共振增强多光子电离技术的慢电子速度影像应用”,原子与分子物理学报,2016, 33(6)957-962
2. 秦正波,“一种改进惠斯通电桥和交流电桥实验教学效果的简单方法”,大学物理实验,2022,35,60-62. (2022.2)
1. 秦正波,汪桥林,王林,王晨,杨新艳,郑贤锋,崔执凤,“食品中多环芳烃检测方法的研究进展”, 安徽师范大学学报(自然科学版),2022,45,29-34。(2022.1)
Ø 专利:
[1] 一种薄型真空密封连接阀装置,秦正波,吴侠,唐紫超,曲泽华,实用新型专利,申请号:201220079051.4,授权号:ZL201220079051.4
[2] 一种同向双通道飞行时间质谱仪,秦正波,唐紫超,张世宇,发明专利,申请号:201310016591.7,授权号:ZL201310016591.7
[3] 一种可调距式充气激光真空紫外灯装置,汪桥林,秦正波,许立河,实用新型专利,授权号:ZL202123209598.X