
| 王中结,男,1962年出生,安徽师范大学教授,硕士生导师,1982年毕业于安徽师范大学物理教育专业,1988年毕业于安徽师范大学光学专业,获硕士学位,2000年毕业于中国科学院安徽光学精密机械研究所光学专业,获博士学位。
1982年 7月 安徽师范大学物理系 理学学士。
1988年 7月 安徽师范大学光学专业 理学硕士
2000年10月 中国科学院安徽光学精密机械研究所光学专业博士学位
2008年-现在 安徽师范大学教授
1. 在量子光学领域,主要研究原子或囚禁离子与光场相互作用时的非经典效应,研究各种非经典态的特性和制备方法。
2. 在量子计算与量子通讯领域,主要研究量子计算过程退相干现象及其控制方法,研究量子隐形传态的机制
1、安徽师范大学皖泰优秀教学成果三等奖 2003年10月
2、陆同兴、崔执凤、王中结 “把"非线性物理"引入本科教学”
安徽省教学成果奖二等奖 2005年3月
1. 多体囚禁离子系统中ESD效应的理论研究,No. JK2008A029,安徽省教育厅自然科学基金重点项目,主持
2. 离子型量子计算中量子退相干控制研究,090412060, 安徽省自然科学基金项目,主持
3. 二态量子系统的退相干控制及其稳定性研究,2004kj186,安徽省教育厅自然科学研究项目,主持。
4. 冷原子在光学晶格中量子动力学局域研究,安徽师范大学校专项基金, 2001-2003,主持。
1. Zhongjie Wang Jinjing Zhang Qijia Tai, Simultaneous suppression of decoherence of qubit induced by phase damping and heating effect in trapped ion system, Optik,2016, 127(23):11349–11353
2. Kan Zhang, Zhongjie Wang(通讯作者), Qijia Tai, Decoherence and Loschmidt echo for qubit induced by a reservoir of coupled bosons, Optik,2016, 127(20) :8269–8276
3.Zhongjie Wang, Qijia Tai,Entanglement dynamics of two qubits induced by a reservoir of coupled bosons, Optik,2016, 127(13):5215–5218
4.方旭,王中结,非线性圆态及其非经典性质 ,光学学报, 2015, 35(1):0127001
6. 王中结,方旭,在去相环境在原子态的确定性隐形传态,激光技术,2015,39(2):270
7. 王中结,阮飞,方旭,基于免退纠缠态的原子态隐形传输, 光学学报,2015, 35(3):0327001
8. 王中结,方旭,基于频率调制激光驱动的囚禁离子几何相位逻辑门,原子与分子物理学报,2015, 32(4):641-643页
9. Zhong-Jie Wang and Xu Fang,Nonclassical properties of nonlocal coherent photon-added two-mode squeezed thermal states, Optik,2015, 126(19) :1838–1843
10. Zhongjie Wang and Fei Ruan, High fidelity teleportation of coherent superposition states, Optik,2015, 126(23):3669–3672
11. Zhong-Jie Wang nd Xu Fang,Reparation of atomic entangled states and Schr¨odinger cat states for N trapped ions driven by frequency modulated laser, J. At. Mol. Sci., 2014, 5 (1): 44-50
12. Zhongjie Wang, Xu Fang,Quantum teleportation of arbitrary two-qubit state via entangledcavity fields, Optik, 2014,125: 5187–5191
13. Zhong-Jie Wang, Xu Fang,and Ren- gui Zhu,Decoherence induced by the environment for dimerized anisotropic XY spin chain, J. At. Mol. Sci., 2014, 5 (4):331-337
14. 李聪,王中结,非线性囚禁离子模型中振幅平方压缩效应,原子与分子物理学报,2013, 30(3):435页
15. 王中结,李聪,在抗退相干子空间中原子态的隐形传态,激光技术,2013,37(5):682
16. Wang Zhongjie Li Cong, Properties and generation of photon-added two-mode entanglement states associated with inverse boson operators, Optik,2013,124:6570–6573
17. 王中结,李聪,未知原子态经纠缠腔场信道的隐形传态,激光技术,2013,37(6):812
18. Zhong-Jie Wang,Chaoyang Fan ,Simultaneous suppression of spontaneous emission and thermal effect in two-level trapped ion system, J. At. Mol. Sci., 2012, 3 (2): 171
19. Wang Zhongjie(王中结),Zhang Xiaodong(张晓东, Li Cong(李聪), Properties and generation of photon- added Schr?dinger cat states, Commun. Thero. Phys.,2012年57:459
20. Wang Zhongjie(王中结), Li Cong(李聪), Zhang Xiaodong(张晓东), Entanglement properties of photon- added two-mode entangled coherent states and their preparations via cavity quantum electrodynamics,光子学报,2012,41(11):1342-1346
22. Zhong-Jie Wang, Nonclassical properties and generation of excited entangled coherent state of motion of trapped ion, Physica Scripta, 2011, 83:025007
48. Zhong-jie Wang and Xiaodong Zhang, Solution to the Master Equation for Nondegenerate Parametric Amplification with thermal reservoir, J. At. Mol. Sci.,2011,2(3):255
23. Zhong-jie Wang and Chaoyang Fan, Nonclassical properties and generation of superposition state of excited coherent states of motion of trapped ion, J. At. Mol. Sci., 2011, 2(4):352
24.范朝阳,王中结,张晓东,第二红边带激发时强度涨落对两囚禁离子纠缠度的影响,原子与分子物理学报,2011, 28(2):497
25.范朝阳,王中结,激光强度涨落对两囚禁离子纠缠度的影响,量子电子学报,2011, 28(5):577
26.王中结,范朝阳,高Q腔中激发相干态的制备,量子电子学报,2011, 28(4):402
27. 张晓东,王中结,N+2原子受简并双光子作用时的纠缠动力学,原子与分子物理学报, 2011,28(6):1082
28. Zhong-Jie Wang and Chao-Yang Fan,Entanglement dynamics of two trapped ions in the intermediate excitation regime, J. At. Mol. Sci.,2010,1:268.
29.王中结,张侃,外场驱动的两囚禁离子的纠缠突然消失的研究,原子与分子物理学报,2010, 27:497
20.张侃,王中结,邢晋晶, 基于非BSM的一对多比特隐形传态,安徽师范大学学报(自然版),2010,33:34
31. Wang Zhong-jie, Zhang Kan, Fan Chao-yang,Scheme for Teleportation of Unknown Single Qubit State via Continuous Variables Entangling Channel, Chinese Physics, 2010, 19( 11):110311
32. Wang Zhong-jie, Preparation of squeezed state and entanglement state between vibrational motion of trapped ion and light. Commun. Thero. Phys.,2010,54:1109
33. 张克福,王中结, 激发纠缠相干态的统计性质,光子学报,2009,38(2):425
34.王中结,张侃,Dynamical Suppression of Nonlocal Decoherence in Two-State Quantum System,Commun. Thero. Phys.,2009,52:832,
35. 邢晋晶,王中结,张侃,应用频率调制激光制备二离子暗EPR态,原子与分子物理学报,2009, 26(2):333
36. 邢晋晶,王中结,张侃,高Q腔中Stark效应对两原子纠缠的影响,量子电子学报, 2009,26(3):313
37.Wang Zhongjie,Zhang Kefu,Generation of Entangled Displacement Fock State of Trapped Ion Manipulated by a LaserBeam,Commun. Theor. Phys., 2008,49(5): 1315
38.Wang Zhongjie,An Algebras Approach to Nonlinear Trapped Ions Model,Advanced Studies in Theoretical Physics,2008,2(9-12): 465
39.Zhang Kefu,Wang Zhongjie,Generation and Properties of Two-Mode Circular States, Commun. Theor. Phys., 2008,50(5): 1101
41.陈锋,王中结,Kerr介质中纠缠原子与非简并双光子相互作用的动力学,原子与分子物理学报, 2008,25(3):583
43.Zhongjie Wang, Scheme for preparation of nonclassical motional states of trapped ions,Phys. Rev.,A, 2007,76:043403
44. Zhongjie Wang,Preparation of nonclassical states of the a trapped ion by frequency modulation of the light field,J.Phys.B:At Mod. Opt.Phys., 2007,40:4471
45. Zhongjie Wang, An analytical solution to the nonlinear model for N trapped ions driven by a single laser field,J.Phys.A:At Math.. Theor., 2007,40:6211
46. Zhongjie Wang, An Anlytical Solution to the model for single Three-Level Trapped Ion Driven by External Fields, Commun. Theor. Phys., 2007,47:725
47. Zhongjie Wang, Chen Feng, Trapping State in the System of Single Three-level Trapped ion Driven by External fields, Chin. Phys. Lett.,2004, 21(7):1205
48.王中结,陈锋,应用相位调制驻波光场制备囚禁离子的暗压缩态,原子与分子物理学报, 2007, 24(1):97
49.王中结,囚禁离子与调制热库相互作用时的退相干特征,原子与分子物理学报, 2007,24(3):591
51.王中结,二能级系统自发辐射的动力学抑制,原子与分子物理学报, 2006,23(2):367
52.王中结,离子阱中热库诱导退相干的控制,原子与分子物理学报, 2006,23(4):757
54. Wang Zhongjie, Dynamical Suppression of Pure Amplitude Damping in Two-State Quantum System, Commun. Theor. Phys., 2004,42(4):, 539
55. Wang Zhongjie, Quantum fluctuation dynamics in momentum spread of cold atoms,原子与分子物理学报, 2003,20(4):757
56.王中结,在离子阱中应用Raman激发制备离子振动Fock态,原子与分子物理学报, 2003,20(1):1
57.王中结, 在Janes-Cummings模型中相干态的相位对量子相干性的影响,原子与分子物理学报, 2003,20(1):114
61.王中结,路轶群,陆同兴,捕陷原子在大失谐双色场中的量子崩塌-回复特性,物理学报,2000, 49:875
周期力诱导下Lorentz系统的混沌动力学研究,安徽师范大学学报(自然科学版), 2000, 17:283
64. 王中结,路轶群,陆同兴,调制驻波光场中二能级原子动量扩散的动力学研究,物理学报,1999,48:2015
量子参数激励单摆的局域效应研究,原子与分子物理学报,1999,16: 602
原子光诱导自电离时间特征,安徽师范大学学报(自然科学版), 1999:16,
短腔染料激光器的解析解, 应用激光, 1994,14:113
68.卢秉嵩;王中结;陆同兴,光栅衍射法测量超短光脉冲的宽度,应用激光, 1994,14:241
69. 王中结;卢秉嵩;陆同兴,
短腔染料激光器的脉宽压缩研究,激光与红外, 1988年, 32页